Fall 2019

Dear Friends,

Welcome to our Fall Safari Newsletter!  In this issue we update you on future trips and one of our newest marketing efforts as well as a sampling of wildlife sightings from this past year. The image above is of a black rhino photographed during our Big Cats Safari in the Masai Mara.


2020-21 Safari Dates

I’m excited to announce that our first LADIES ONLY Big Cats Safari has SOLD OUT!  However, if you (men and women) still want to experience our Big Cats Safari, we have a few spaces available the following week, February 16-24. Details are on our website.

Private safaris for 2020 are also SOLD OUT!  If you’re considering a family or small group safari, now is the time to start planning for 2021.  Since we frequent small, intimate camps (around 12 tents for fewer) choice dates fill up over a year in advance.  Even if you’re thinking out past 2022 or 23, it doesn’t hurt to get the conservation started.

It’s called a Big Cats Safari for a reason.  This was just one of our amazing sightings, a pride of 12 lions out for a morning stroll, from our Big Cats Safari this past February. Consider joining us this February 16-24, 2020.

Socially Conscious Luxury

From the beginning, Peter’s Wildlife Safaris set out to create awareness of the threats facing the world’s wildlife through personalized safari.  We’ve refined our brand and are doing this work through Socially Conscious Luxury Safaris. 

We have designed company brochure that takes you through that experience.  It is available as hard copy or on-line where you can view, share with your friends and download one for yourself.   Contact me if you would like a hard copy.

MedWish Medical Brigage

Once again we are partnering again with MedWish International in Cleveland for a 12-day Medical Brigade and Safari June 16-27, 2020. 

Participating in a MedWish Medical Brigade is a wonderful way to give your time, talents, and compassion to those in need. The Brigade is a unique multifaceted trip that includes the humanitarian mission of a medical service brigade, in addition to a traditional African safari and opportunities to learn about wildlife and community conservation. There is no doubt that this Brigade will be a memorable experience.

Medical professionals and lay volunteers (including families) are welcome on this Brigade. Both will have the opportunity to serve the Talek community through the clinic days.

Our 2018 brigade was a huge success!  Our group of volunteers treated over 450 patients. Details are on our website under “Upcoming Trips”.

2018 MedWish Team

Wildlife Sighting from 2019

Quality time with Dad. This young lion took a break from his breakfast to get a little affection from Dad. Amboseli National Park
Just a few of the over 45 young ostrichs following 3 females in search of bugs and other food. Masai Mara
Two young males “tusking”, or practice fighting.  As they get older, the playing will end and they will be fighting for real over a breeding female.  The fights are serious and can sometimes lead to death for the loser. Amboseli National Park.
Two giraffe enjoying the warm sun of the Masai Mara
When male cheetahs leave their mothers they go off on their own.  During this time they will often form “coalitions” with other male cheetahs made up of usually 2-3 members.  In this case, these are two of the six males in this coalition.  Masai Mara
Horsing around.  We watched for about 20 minutes as these two played together.  Once again practice fighting, preparing for the real thing.  Masai Mara
This big boy is basking in the glow of the morning sun.  Masai Mara
A young leopard on patrol looking for dinner.  Masai Mara
Yes, those are palm trees.  Kenya’s has a tropical climate due to the fact the equator runs through the middle of the country.  The result is comfortable year-round average temperatures between 65 and 85.

I hope you enjoyed this update.  Please forward this newsletter to your friends and family and ask them join our quarterly e-mail newsletter

For the latest updates and news, Like our Facebook page and visit our website.

Warm regards,


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