Dear Friends,
Welcome to our latest safari update! As our business grows we have plenty of news to share and are making this a quarterly newsletter in January, April, July & October.
Please enjoy!
Jackson’s Visit
Jackson Rakwa is the head guide for one of my favorite camps in the Masai Mara, and one of the point persons for our community projects in the Mara. He visited Cleveland in May. After our sightseeing around Cleveland he spoke about family life in his village and life as a safari guide. The event at Holbrook Hollows in Chagrin Falls attracted a standing room crowd of nearly 100 guests and friends.
We also screened The Third Conflict, a short documentary film I produced about community conservation in the Masai Mara.
Plans are in the works for Jackson to return next May, plus a few of his fellow Maasai.
The Third Conflict
Last October, during our Migration Safari, we invited a crew to film footage and interviews for The Third Conflict, a documentary short film highlighting the positive results of community conservation efforts in the Masai Mara.

This film is being shown exclusively at film festivals around the country, and in private showings in Cleveland. It was awarded Best Documentary Short at the Chautauqua International Film Festival.
For those in the Cleveland area, the film is part of the Chagrin Documentary Film Festival and will be screened Friday, October 4 at 11:30 AM at Chagrin Falls Township Hall and Saturday, October 5, at 11:00 AM at Chagrin Cinemas. To see the trailer, click on the photo below or here . For tickets, visit the Chagrin Documentary Film Festival.

Namibia Elephant Fundraising Trek
At the end of September, I will travel to Namibia to take part in a 141Km (88 mile), 7 day elephant trek through Damaraland to raise money for Elephant Human Relations Aid’s (EHRA) conflict prevention, water point protection and elephant patrol projects. EHRA is working toward a future where elephants can live in harmony with local farmers.
I’m taking this challenge for two reasons. First, EHRA’s mission is closely aligned with the work we are doing with the Satao Wildlife Foundation in Kenya. Second, I’m doing it as a personal challenge. Over the past several months, I have been preparing for this walk and look forward to spending it with the elephants!
I’ve committed to raising $2,500 for EHRA. If you would like to make a donation to support me for this walk, you can make a tax-deductible donation through the Satao Wildlife Foundation website or through PayPal or by sending a check to the address at the bottom of this newsletter.

2020-21 Safari Updates
Interest is strong in our custom private safaris for families and groups, and our 2020 schedule is nearly full! If you are considering a family or group safari next year please contact me ASAP. We tend to frequent small, intimate camps (around 12 tents or fewer) and spaces fill up for the prime dates over a year in advance. For example, one camp we are visiting next year has only 4 tents, and our group will fill the camp. It is not too early to start thinking about 2021 and 2022.
For those of you traveling solo or with a companion, we have a few spaces remaining in our upcoming February Big Cats Safaris:
1. February 8-16. This is our LADIES ONLY safari. This trip is designed for women who want to go on safari, but don’t have someone to travel with and don’t want to go alone. If this sounds interesting to you, please contact me soon as there are only a few spaces remaining.
2. February 16-24. Spaces remain for this safari.
Once again, we are partnering with MedWish International in Cleveland for a medical brigade to Kenya in June 2020. This trip is open to medical professionals, non-medical volunteers and their families. Giving of your time to help those less fortunate promises to be an unforgettable experience. Afterwards you will enjoy a wonderful safari.
Details on these trips are on website.